Monday, 30 March 2009

Madonna and her Malawian babies...

Another year and another Malawian baby adoption by Madonna. It looks like the pop star cannot get enough of cute Malawian babies. In 2006 in controversial circumstances it is alleged by some that she bulldozed her way through Malawian law to adopt David Banda, despite David's father still being alive.

Development charities and talking heads were outraged, Malawians were divided and the Paparazzi added a new name to the list of celebrity kids they needed to keep tabs on. As is the case with such things the controversy faded away. Baby David settled into his new multi-millionaire lifestyle with new superstar parents Guy Ritchie and Madonna.

Tow years later and Madonna developed a new adoption itch, reports have it that Guy Ritchie was having none of this and it is cited as one of the reason their marriage broke up. With no Guy to put a dampener of her plans, Madonna has thrown herself into her new adoption and has her sights on a four-year old Mercy James.

Again the the adoption is proving controversial, but Madonna seems undeterred as she has stormed Malawi with her entire brood, Lourdes, Rocco and David and has attended court hearings to formalise the adoption. With the Malawian government backing her it all looks pretty much sewn up.

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